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Dolls / Poupon

Our different dolls and puppets available


The rag doll for a birthday or baby gift.

The cloth dolls are suitable for babies and children, dolls all soft that asks to be cuddled, dolls very colorful and with a choice of clothing to style well asserted.

Different sizes available. 

For the moment Sweet Sisters and Lucky Doggy dolls from Orange Toys are available

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Poupée Sweet Sisters Billie Dans Une Robe D'Eté En Jeans

Dolls Sweet Sisters Billie...

Poupée Sweet Sisters Lilu En pull-over vert

Dolls Sweet Sisters Lilu En...

Duvet Rose avec Ourson

Duvet Rose avec Ourson


Heless Leo Rag Doll 42 cm


Heless Lili Rag Doll 42 cm


Heless Neli Rag Doll 32 cm


HELESS Short avec T-shirt...


Lucky Mimi Rosette

Lucky Buzz: Modern Classic - Lucky Doggy

Lucky Alex : Modern Classic


Lucky Alex : Trendy Style


Lucky Betsy Cool Girl


Dolls / Poupon